
Packaging made from EPS; (Expandable Polystyrene) is extremely light. This is due to the fact that only 2% of the packaging is plastic, the rest is air. The strength to weight ratio is therefore exellent, not to mention the insulation properties. EPS packaging will hold large volumes of product at desired temperature leveles much longer than most other packaging materials, using far less raw material for the purpose. EPS packaging are water tight and their white colour aids in radiation reflection and is also helpful for sanitary purposes. EPS packaging is also mostly for single use. Therefore no chemicals or large amounts of water is needed to clean the packaging before secondary use. EPS packaging are mainly used for the following in Iceland:

  • Fish, (whole fish, salmon, trout, cod, catfish and etc.)
  • Fish fillets
  • Meat, (lamb, beef, pork, seabirds, etc.)
  • Meat trays, (minched meat, gullash, etc.)
  • Vegatables
  • Support packaging